понедельник, 20 октября 2008 г.

arthur cast king

Yesterday was Chrisrsquo; birthday. We are facing something very hard right now. But we will make it through it together regardless. I will give more details later, but I saw Norm in a different light this weekend. He made me laugh and moved from my ldquo;I donrsquo;t think he likes me listrdquo; to ldquo;he is actually very funny listrdquo;. I am so thankful for all they did for Chris as my heart was just elsewhere.

I wish I liked hugs, because I need one. I would just fall apart though and I cannot do that right now.

A better update will follow tomorrow. For all who have parents and have known love throughout lifehellip;.donrsquo;t take either for granted. When you can only know the love of a parent or grandparent through the eyes and heart of another, it hurts. I am thankful though that Chris has that in Vickey, Norm and his Mam-maw in Michigan. He has two brothers as well. I envy that.

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